Suggestions welcome!
What works: Basically all hardware!
- Touch and stylus both work immediately, including pressure sensitivity (try gimp, onboard, xournal)
- Wireless, ethernet networking
- Screen brightness controls and backlit keyboard
- Both nVidia and Intel graphics (using nvidia-prime package)
- 4-core I7 processor
- Sound works fine, but the mixer controls are confusing (see below)
What can be fixed:
Difficult to use stylus when touch is enabled
Add a script to disable touch when the stylus is in proximity:#!/usr/bin/python
import time, subprocess, os
def stylusProximity():
"""Return True if the stylus is in proximity"""
state = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/xinput', 'query-state', 'N-trig DuoSense Pen'])
line = state.split('\n')[7]
return line.endswith('=In')
def touchEnabled():
"""Return True if touch is enabled"""
state = subprocess.check_output('xinput list-props "N-trig DuoSense" | grep 155', shell=True)
return state.strip().endswith('1')
def disableTouch():
subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/xinput', 'disable', 'N-trig DuoSense'])
def enableTouch():
subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/xinput', 'enable', 'N-trig DuoSense'])
lastProxOut = None
lastProx = None
while True:
prox = stylusProximity()
if prox != lastProx:
if prox:
print "disable"
lastProxOut = time.time()
lastProx = prox
if prox is False and lastProxOut is not None and time.time() > lastProxOut + 2.:
lastProxOut = None
print "enable"
Accidental touchpad clicks while typing
The touchpad is large, which means many accidental clicks while typing.If using KDE:
System Settings -> Input Devices -> Touchpad -> Enable/Disable Touchpad -> Disable touchpad when typing (I use timeout = 2000 ms)
For other environments, you can use syndaemon to correct this:
syndaemon -R -t -k -i 2 &
Fonts are too small by default
On KDE:System Settings -> Application Appearance -> Fonts -> Force fonts DPI: 150
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